Trips update


10 hour wreck fishing trip 8th June, 7 places, £90-£100/head











January - February

Generally the leanest months of the year on the wrecks, however inshore there are usually whiting, dabs and the odd codling.

March - April

Wreck fishing starts to liven up and good pollack fishing is expected from the middle/end of March onwards. Inshore there should be whiting, dabs, dogfish, odd codling and herring.

May - June

All fishing improves as the summer approaches. On the wrecks pollack fishing will be in full swing and through June the first ling will show. Some coalfish may be taken during May. Towards the end of June conger should start being taken. General ground fishing will see gurnard, ray, bull huss, and tope as well as the normal whiting and dabs. Mackerel should show towards the end of June.

July - August

The best months for conger and ling on the wrecks. Pollack fishing will also be good through these months. These are the best two months to try for bass on the reefs and banks. General ground fishing will again see whiting, dabs, gurnard, ray, tope, bull huss, dogfish and mackerel.

September - October

Wrecks will produce some good sized pollack during these months, fish having put on weight through the summer. If cod are to show it will be late September/early October, however they are notoriously unpredictable (very good cod fishing was realized on the wrecks in 1997/1998 but 1999 was poor). Some conger will still be taken until the middle of September. Mackerel may still be caught as late as October. General ground fishing should produce whiting, dabs, ray, bull huss, dogfish and gurnard.

November - December

Pollack fishing should carry on until the middle of December and if the cod did come in to the wrecks they should be around until the beginning of December. General ground fishing should produce whiting, dabs and the odd codling.